Information Resources

Screening and Background Checks


Careful screening of members serving minors is an opportunity to deter those who might harm children. It is considered an important part of a child protection program by many child advocacy organizations as well as by church-insurance carriers. This is because the features of trusting church environments attract and can enable child predators. It may be helpful to contact the ecclesia’s insurance carrier to learn of any requirements…

Physical Spaces Assessment


This Physical Spaces Assessment Tool is designed to guide Christadelphian ecclesias to explore and consider various questions and strategies needed to create a safer space for children and adolescents. The goal is to reduce the risks and opportunities inherent in any facility or program that serves children and teens. This assessment may be conducted using a small team…

EcclesiaSafe Consultation Group Engagement


This agreement is intended to describe the nature of the volunteer consultation provided to Ecclesial elders by the EcclesiaSafe Consultation Group (ESCG). All support is provided on a voluntary basis by brothers and sisters who have demonstrated training, expertise and experience with allegations of abuse in its various forms as tragically happens in our ecclesias from time to time…

Recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse.