Screening and Background Checks
Careful screening of members serving minors is an opportunity to deter those who might harm children. It is considered an important part of a child protection program by many child advocacy organizations as well as by church-insurance carriers. This is because the features of trusting church environments attract and can enable child predators. It may be helpful to contact the ecclesia’s insurance carrier to learn of any requirements.
If your ecclesia elects to conduct screening of Sunday school teachers and youth workers, the insurance agency or carrier may provide recommendations.
Typically, religious organizations use a professional third-party service and software that guides the process in compliance with legal requirements for screening job applicants. Such software tracks and provides a record of the steps taken. There is usually a basic abuse prevention training component for staff. Often there is an option within the ecclesia’s account to document the results from the ecclesia’s own manual checking of references and face-to-face interview(s).
When searching for a third party service, it’s best to use a firm with expertise in serving religious organizations so the most appropriate type of background check is conducted.